California Lemon Law - California Lemon Law Buyback Repurchase


William R. McGee is licensed to practice law in the State of California. Mr. McGee is not licensed to practice law in states other than California. The web pages contained on this internet website are provided for informational purposes only, and do not suggest nor constitute any legal advice, and do not necessarily represent the opinions of The Law Offices of William R. McGee or any of it's attorneys.  No guarantees are expressed or implied that any of the materials are correct, complete or up to date.  The information provided on this website and pages is not intended to create an attorney-client relationship between you and The Law Offices of William R. McGee.  You should not rely on any of the information contained on this website without seeking the advice of an attorney.  The State Bar rules requires attorney offices to designate a single attorney responsible for this site.  The Law Offices of William R. McGee designates William R. McGee as the attorney responsible for this site.

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California Lemon Law Attorneys
411 N. Central Ave. Suite 230
Glendale, California. 91203

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